Here you will find details of some local and national agencies that you may find helpful.
Local Contacts
- Castle Point Borough Council – 01268 882200
- Essex County Council – General Enquiries – 08457 430 430
- Essex County Council - Highways – 0845 606 1212
- Canvey Island Town Council - 01268 683965
- Citizens Advice Bureau – 0808 278 7877 https://citizensadvicesouthessex.org/
- NHS Direct – 111
- Essex Police – 101
- Anglian Water – 03457 145 145
- Environment Agency Floodline – 0845 988 1188
- British Gas Emergency Helpline – 0800 111 999
- Home Heat Helpline – 0800 33 66 99
- Shelter (advice regarding homelessness) – 0808 800 4444
- Family Mosaic – 020 7089 1000
- Jobcentre Plus Helpline – 0845 604 3719
- Samaritans – 08457 909090
- Age UK (Essex) – 01245 346 106
- Step Change (debt advice) – 0800 138 1111
National Contacts
Here you can find a list of useful links to services, organisations and charities in Castle Point as well as useful national links, with a short description about each one:
- www.gov.uk The official government website, a 'one-stop shop' for all enquiries relating to government services.
- www.parliament.uk Official website which offers information about the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
- www.citizensadvice.org.uk The Citizens Advice service helps people resolve legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.
- www.jobseekers.direct.gov.uk Hundreds of new jobs are advertised here each week for you to search through.
- www.nhs.uk NHS Direct health advice and information service allows you to check your symptoms online and find out how to get trusted information on conditions.
- www.crimestoppers-uk.org Website for the Crimestoppers Trust that operates the 0800 555 111 hotline, this can be used to pass on information about crime anonymously.