“I feel it is important for you to know what expenses I claim as your Member of Parliament. After all, you are my employers and you pay my salary. The simple answer to the question of what I claim is- I don't.
Like the rest of the public, I was shocked and appalled by the expenses scandal over 10 years ago. I chose to stand for election and being Member of Parliament for Castle Point has been an immense privilege. I have consistently been one of the lowest claiming MPs as I do not see why a Member of Parliament should be able to claim for costs incurred in the job which hard-working members of the public in other jobs cannot.
The only costs I claimed in the last session were my office admin costs, the salaries of my staff, and travel and subsistence costs for local youngsters on work experience. I try to offer work experience in my Westminster Office to as many young people from Castle Point as I can, and I know that several of them have since gone on to get good jobs - including two who now work for me full time. I consider it only fair to reimburse these youngsters for their rail fare to London and a modest lunch. “
If you wish to view Rebecca's expenses claims in detail please visit the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Page at the following address: https://www.theipsa.org.uk/mp-costs/interactive-map/.