Prime Minister promises “New Deal” which delivers jobs, skills and infrastructure for Britain
Rebecca Harris today welcomed the announcement of the Prime Minister’s ambitious New Deal for Britain fuelling our economic recovery from Covid-19. The Prime Minister has set out first step in government plans to “build back better” in the wake of coronavirus, for the benefit of every corner of the country including Castle Point. Over the next five years, the Government will invest more than £600 billion pounds in our future prosperity, and today’s announcement brings forward £5 billion of investment, supporting jobs and the economic recovery across the country.
Schools across the country have played their part in responding to coronavirus, ensuring their doors remained open for the children of essential workers–who have kept the NHS, public services and economy going throughout this crisis. The Prime Minister’s New Deal announced plans accelerating existing programmes to repair and upgrade schools and Further Education colleges. This will be worth £560 million and £200 million respectively this year.
The Prime Minister has announced a £434 million investment to expand classrooms, upgrade facilities and improve the education of children across the whole country. This funding will ensure schools have well-maintained facilities to provide students with safe environments that support a high-quality education. In addition to the money, the Prime Minister announced plans for an Opportunity Guarantee for young people, so that they can be assured they will have access to work or training.
Rebecca was pleased to hear the Prime Minister’s plans to invest £5 billion in infrastructure to kickstart the country’s economic recovery from coronavirus as part of the New Deal for Britain. The package of measures, including improving town centres, is designed to upgrade Britain’s infrastructure and skills to fuel economic recovery across the UK.
The virus has demonstrated the need for a strong NHS and Social Care system, Castle Point residents will benefit from plans to level-up the NHS. This includes £1.5 billion for hospital maintenance this year, modernising the mental health estate, accelerating new hospital building projects, and expanding A&E capacity. This will improve patient care, make sure NHS hospitals can deliver world-leading services and reduce the risk of coronavirus in the future.
Rebecca commented saying:
“The Prime Minister today laid out an ambitious vision of our economic recovery for life after Coronavirus. Last December I was elected promising to support this Government in pursuit of an ambitious levelled-up Britain outside the EU. While we could never predict this challenge facing us, I am proud of the response of our community to pull together and get us through the crisis. I hope the investment announced today can be a turning point, where we once again begin to look forward. We can start to get back to the important work of building a stronger, safer, greener country for our children.”
The Chancellor will provide an update on the economy next week.
READ MORE: The PM’s speech on the economy in Dudley