Vaccine Update: Eligible? BOOK your jab NOW. 11th February 2021 Vaccines are the way out of this pandemic, and every single jab makes us all a bit safer. The Prime Minister has urged everyone who is eligible to book and get... Westminster News
Government Introduces Tougher Measures and Enforcement Rules for Quarantined Passengers 10th February 2021 From Monday, the Government are introducing tough new measures and enforcement rules for people travelling to the UK to prevent importing new variants from... Westminster News
Vaccine Update: In the top four priority groups? Book your jab NOW 9th February 2021 Over 12.2 million people have received a vaccine so far across the United Kingdom with more than 12.8 million vaccines being administered across the UK in total... Westminster News
Government Boosts Rapid Workplace Testing Programme 8th February 2021 Yesterday the Government announced a new plan to drive and increase workplace testing in sectors open during lockdown, to detect coronavirus in people who are... Westminster News
Matt Hancock's Statement on Coronavirus 8th February 2021 8 February 2021, Speech by Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock at the Downing Street coronavirus briefing. Westminster News
Vaccine Update: Over 12 million people have received a vaccine 7th February 2021 Over 12 million people have received a vaccine so far across the United Kingdom. The NHS have administered more than 12.5 million vaccines across the UK. Around... Westminster News
Vaccine Update & Essex Info 5th February 2021 Yesterday, the Vaccines Minister gave an update to the House on the progress of the vaccine programme, urging everyone to continue the national efforts which... Westminster News
Vaccine Update – Over 10 Million Vaccinated! 4th February 2021 Yesterday we reached a significant milestone in our vaccine rollout as we recorded more than 10 million people receiving their first dose of the vaccine. Our... Westminster News
Vaccine UPDATE on Oxford-Astrazenca Vaccine 3rd February 2021 Study shows Oxford-Astrazenca vaccine offers substantial effect in reducing transmission and offering effective protection from a single dose. The Health... Westminster News